Movies Search: «Mano Khalil»

A depressed philosophy professor finds his way back after an unforeseen event. Joaquin Phoenix joins Team...

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A new Marvel superhero and future Avenger: Ant-Man, who has the ability to shrink. Starring Paul Rudd.

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Sam Worthington plays a former cop on the run who ends up on the ledge of a high-rise.

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A woman forces her neighbor, a tough professional hitman, to kill the man who disfigured her.

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Spider-Man faces a new enemy as he settles back into his life as a high school student. Spider-Man re-boot.

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The existential doubts, snappy dialogue and sophisticated banter of a group of intellectuals in London.

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An aging former killer is released from prison after 12 years. Starring Stellan Skarsgard.

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