All Swiss movies

Documentary about Nestlé's strategy towards making water into a business.

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12 years old and about 100 kilos, Kevin doesn’t have an easy life. Until the day he meets a security guard...

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Documentary about Johana Bory, the Swiss puppeteer who died in 2010 at 33.

Love in the era of social media: in Peter Luisi's teen drama, a 16-year-old named Mia wants revenge on her...

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Documentary about choro, a Brazilian musical style from the late 19th century.

In his latest film Ken Loach condemns the working conditions of the illegal Latino workers of Los Angeles.

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Hard-boiled Swiss hip-hop drama about youth violence, drugs and integration.

Documentary about the life and career of dance and performance icon Anna Halprin.

Documentary about the United States-Mexico border and the lives of its inhabitants and law enforcement officers.

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