Stream Swiss movies

In 1949, a young teacher takes over a class of difficult students and decides to turn them into a boys' choir,...

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A widow perks up her life by opening a lingerie store.

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The makers of Microcosmos and Winged Migration reveal the diversity of the marine fauna and flora.

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A yodel group conquers the world and risks breaking up over their success. Winner of the audience award at...

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The unspectacular life of an old woman and her son is disrupted by the arrival of a stranger.

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Iris and Peter von Roten - arguably Switzerland's most famous and provocative couple.

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Alain Gsponer’s adaptation of the popular children’s book by Ottfried Preussler.

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Two very different men meet. From the novel by Markus Werner.

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A gay writer has to look after his stubborn mother – almost missing out on true love.

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A Kurdish refugee, Ibrahim wants to raise bees. But this isn't considered a career in Switzerland.

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Documentary by Jean-Stéphane Bron about the controversial People’s Party politician.

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Half documentary, half feature about love between men in 1950’s Zurich. Directed by Stephan Haupt.

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Documentary about adolescents from around the world who take an integration course from Mr. Zingg.

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Patriotic comedy that revisits the founding myth of Switzerland. A film by Peter Luisi.

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Personal documentary about Irvin D. Yalom, who is very respected in the world of psychoanalysis and has sold...

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