Ximena Alvarez Maschio movie.crew.visualeffect

Known for

Deadpool & Wolverine

Deadpool & Wolverine

The Fall Guy

The Fall Guy

The Matrix Resurrections

The Matrix Resurrections


21. November 2024

movie.crew.visualeffect compositor: Framestore

24. Juli 2024

Deadpool & Wolverine
movie.crew.visualeffect compositor: Framestore

1. Mai 2024

The Fall Guy
movie.crew.visualeffect compositor: Framestore

24. Mai 2023

The Little Mermaid
movie.crew.visualeffect digital compositor

22. Dezember 2021

The Matrix Resurrections
movie.crew.visualeffect compositor: Framestore London


The Old Guard
movie.crew.visualeffect digital artist: Milk Visual Effects