Thorberg Switzerland 2012 – 105min.

Movie Rating


Rolf Breiner
Movie Rating: Rolf Breiner

Dieter Fahrer's Swiss documentary is a portrait of 7 tough guys from 7 countries who are inmates in a Bernese prison.

In the Bernese prison Thorberg, the inmates comprise around 180 men from over 40 countries, tough guys who have been incarcerated for many bad things: theft, manslaughter, murder. Dieter Fahrer looks into the souls of 7 of them and gives them an opportunity to tell their side of the story.

Bernese director Dieter Fahrer worked on this in-your-face documentary for 3 years. The greatest virtue of this stark film is its Spartan character and authentic closeness.



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12 years ago

Thought-provoking, respectful documentary about justice, redemption and the meaning of freedom. Excellently crafted.

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