21 Jump Street USA 2012 – 109min.

Movie Rating

21 Jump Street

Movie Rating: Constantin Xenakis

Two freshly graduated cops go under cover at a high school and pass themselves off as pupils.

In high school, Schmidt was the smart nerd, while Jenko was the cool dude who got hot girls and bad grades. Five years later, they are fresh out of the police academy and given boring assignments, until the are transferred to go under cover at a high school, to pass themselves off as pupils and crack a drug ring. Back at school, it's chubby Schmidt who fits in with the cool crowd, while stud Jenko gets stuck hanging out with the geeks...

Remake of the 80's TV show starring Johnny Depp (who has a cameo), but as a comedy, starring Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum, who also produced and wrote the script. Sometimes vulgar, often immature, but funny nonetheless, this comedy is obviously targeted at the YouTube generation, while offering nostalgia for the older set. Why not go for pure hilarious entertainment for a change?



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