Don Jon USA 2013 – 90min.

Movie Rating

Don Jon

Valérie Lobsiger
Movie Rating: Valérie Lobsiger

A player prefers watching porn to actual sex.

A gorgeous hunk named Don Jon (Joseph Gordon-Levitt, who also directs and wrote the screenplay) works as a bartender and has all the girls he wants. But what he likes best is watching porn, because it helps him “let go completely”. He watches dozens of movies a day and confesses his sins every week after mass. Working at the club, he recites the prayers he received as penance. Then he meets Barbara (Scarlett Johansson), who's looking for a serious guy and isn't easy to seduce. Faced for the first time with resistance from a woman, he falls hard and even takes her to meet his parents. But when Barbara finds out about his addiction, she dumps him...

What could have been a satire about how our daily lives are governed by marketing and hyper-sexualized advertising is instead simplified and full of clichés. The girl dreams of a sexy man with a good job, the guy wants quick and dirty sex; men are from Mars, women are from Venus, bla-bla-bla... The laboriously didactic moral of Joseph Gordon-Levitt's movie is that "porn is only simulation and to find happiness in real life, you have to learn to lose yourself in the other person and vice versa". Thanks, we knew that already.



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