The Heat USA 2013 – 117min.

Movie Rating

The Heat

Peter Osteried
Movie Rating: Peter Osteried

Sandra Bullock as an arrogant FBI agent who join forces with Melissa McCarthy, a tough cop. Comedy by Paul Feig.

The only thing FBI agent Ashburn (Sandra Bullock) cares about is work. She has no private life and although she's great at her job, her colleagues hate her. Detective Mullins (Melissa McCarthy) is a good cop, but loud, obnoxious, offensive and unfriendly. Teamed together, their assignment is to hunt down a mysterious drug boss in Boston. But the greater challenge is working with each other, which turns out to follow the usual stereotype: as they get to know one another, they discover their good points.

Sandra Bullock is one of the few actors to have the courage to pick up her own Golden Raspberry for worst performance, turning a potentially embarrassing situation into a hilarious moment with her acceptance speech. She may get another chance next year – if Melissa McCarthy doesn't win the prize ahead of her. Their action comedy is nothing more than a lame buddy flick that covers the usual gags first developed in the 80's. It's worth a few smiles, but not much else.



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