Animal Kingdom Australia 2010 – 112min.

Movie Rating

Animal Kingdom

Movie Rating: Constantin Xenakis

An adolescent is instrumental in the fall of his uncles, a gang of redoubtable gangsters in Melbourne.

When his mother dies of an overdose, Joshua goes to live with three uncles, who are part of a band of gangsters on its way down. The gang is run by his grandmother, who is adorable on the outside and cruel on the inside. With a police investigation underway, the teen has to choose between helping the law and defending his new but unscrupulous family, who will kill him if he doesn't testify in their favor at the trial...

Both a family tragedy and an urban thriller, Animal Kingdom is an excellent surprise: a complex but nonetheless clearly presented story, with in-depth psychology and characters that make the rare action scenes even more violent and moving. Not to be missed!



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