Fair Game United Arab Emirates, USA 2010 – 104min.

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Fair Game

Naomi Watts and Sean Penn star as a CIA agent and her husband caught in a political scandal.

Valerie Plame is a high-level CIA agent in the Bush administration charged with a secret mission to look into the existence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. At the same time, her journalist husband Joe Wilson investigates dealings between Niger and Iraq that may have permitted Saddam Hussein's regime to gain the materials necessary to enrich uranium. But as they both come to the conclusion there is no evidence of WMDs in Iraq, the White House announces the opposite and uses this pretext to wage war in the Persian Gulf. The renounced couple then goes in search of the truth, risking both their careers and their marriage.

Doug Liman's feature deals with a political scandal that unified the American press for almost five years by focusing on the story of two people and the psychological hardship they endured in being both united and divided by injustice. Liman's take on the events defuses the tension usually expected from a political thriller, instead offering a presentation of recent history through the eyes of the couple, as played by Naomi Watts and Sean Penn.



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12 years ago

Interesting, not overwhelming.

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