Furry Vengeance United Arab Emirates, USA 2010 – 92min.

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Furry Vengeance

Comedy about the animals in an Oregon forest fighting against a real estate developer's plans to turn their habitat into a housing subdivision.

Transferred from Chicago for a year to clear and subdivide a forest in Oregon State, a real estate developer called Dan finds himself with a big problem when his boss tells him he has to stay for 4 whole years. With his wife and family unimpressed, things get even more complicated when the animals in the forest start to revolt against his plan. Led by a cunning raccoon, the creatures do all they can to sabotage Dan's project, which will surely drive the poor man over the edge once and for all...

Pleasant eco-friendly comedy starring the always beautiful Brooke Shields, Brendan Fraser and Ken Jeong (both an actor and a doctor!), who, after his hilarious turn in The Hangover, Role Models and All About Steve, proves his comedic skill yet again.



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