Juan Denmark 2009 – 102min.

Movie Rating


Movie Rating: Constantin Xenakis

A philanderer seduces and abandons thousands of women. Mozart's opera "Don Giovanni" is transposed into the modern world.

A philanderer catches the eye of an elegant young woman at the opera, sees her again in a café, and goes home with her. When their escapades are filmed by the heart-breaker's friend, the father of the seduced and abandoned girl confronts the young man with a revolver. From the artistic director of Denmark's Royal Opera, Kasper Holten.

Concept movie that transposes the legendary opera Don Giovanni into our times. Unfortunately, what starts out as a good idea gets tired very quickly. Turning Mozart's great work into a thriller and sprinkling the story with four-letter words, police raids and iPhones is not enough for a successful movie. A constant "decrescendo" that does not deserve a "da capo".



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