Paul France, Spain, UK, USA 2011 – 104min.

Movie Rating


Movie Rating: Melanie Zahar

Two English sci-fi fans go to a convention in the States.

Graeme and Clive, two serious men-children, leave England for the US to attend a sci-fi convention. They rent an RV to scope out the UFO heartland in the country's southwest and run into Paul, a real-life extraterrestrial who's been imprisoned by the army for 60 years and has just escaped the compound. Paul convinces the two excited nerds to help him get home, but they still have to keep out of reach of the FBI agents after them.

Funny, vulgar, infantile and completely unabashed, Paul is certainly not unforgettable but nonetheless briefly entertaining, especially for those who get the sci-fi references from Star Wars to E.T..



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