Stone USA 2010 – 105min.

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A psychologist working as a parole officer feels he's being manipulated by a prisoner pretending to have found faith.

A few months before retirement, Jack Mabry, grandfather, married for 43 years and a psychologist working as a parole officer, wraps up his final cases, the last being Stone's, a dangerous arsonist charged with killing his grandparents in a fire. As the two men become acquainted, Stone claims to regret his act and promises to do good if let back out into society. As Stone's wife adds her charms in an attempt to steer Mabry towards the right decision, the parole officer himself plunges into an existential and spiritual crisis as he begins to believe he is being manipulated by Stone for early release.

Psychological study built around the triangle made up of Robert De Niro, Milla Jovovich and Edward Norton, which touches on serious subjects like culpability and faith. Original, ambitious, and without a single action scene, Stone is refreshing in its ability to stick with you long after the movie is over.



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