Cowboys and Aliens USA 2011 – 118min.

Movie Rating

Cowboys and Aliens

Peter Osteried
Movie Rating: Peter Osteried

A man with neither name nor memory helps a western town fight invading aliens.

Arizona Desert, 1873. A man with neither name nor memory (Daniel Craig) wearing a strange metal wristband turns up in the small town of Absolution. The wristband is activated when the town is attacked without warning by aliens in an incredibly fast spaceship. The stranger becomes the town's only hope, because not only does he possess an effective weapon, he's also carrying a secret that may save them all. Together with the resolute Ella (Olivia Wilde) and Colonel Dolarhyde (Harrison Ford) he chases down the aliens and the hostages they have taken...

The sad thing about Cowboys & Aliens is that there's a good movie hidden somewhere in this mess. While some parts aren't bad, every ounce of spirit has been pressed from this astonishingly lifeless movie, which wastes the potential of its double-genre completely.



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13 years ago

Wär Kostümfilme und Aliens gerne hat, dem wird der Film gefallen.

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