Killer Elite Australia, USA 2011 – 116min.

Movie Rating

Killer Elite

Movie Rating: Constantin Xenakis

A spy is sent to eliminate the English soldiers who killed the sons of a dying sheik. Starring Jason Statham and Robert De Niro.

Having enough of eliminating powerful gangsters all around the world as a special forces agent, Danny decides to retire to a peaceful part of Australia. But only a year later he is forced out of retirement to help his mentor and friend Hunter, who is being held by a billionaire sheik. The sheik has only six months to live and will let Hunter go if Danny eliminates the English SAS soldiers who killed three of his four sons. But he also comes up against their superior, a member of a secret military society...

Gunfights, chases, bare-fisted fights, plot twists and no-nonsense macho dialogue: "Killing isn't hard; living with it is" – and Jason Statham doing his usual tough-guy routine against a solid spy flick backdrop. The only complaints are Clive Owen's silly moustache and not enough Robert De Niro*.



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