Rango USA 2011 – 107min.

Movie Rating


A chameleon becomes the sheriff of a town in the Mojave Desert: animated film by Gore Verbinski, voiced by Johnny Depp.

Things get hot for a chameleon named Rango (voice: Johnny Depp) when he gets thrown from the safety of his terrarium into the desert of Nevada. In a lawless town called Dirt, he boasts of past heroic deeds and is promptly named sheriff by the collection of salamanders, rats and snakes who live there. But his new job proves to be more complicated than anticipated.

Gore Verbinski applies to Rango the same energy and wit he did for the Pirates of the Caribbean. Aside from one small slow scene in the second half of the movie, his story is so fast-paced, funny and full of snappy dialog that adults will have just as much fun as their kids.



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