Take Shelter USA 2011 – 121min.

Movie Rating

Take Shelter

Movie Rating: Agathe Tissier

A man tortured by nightmares believes he's had a premonition of the end of the world.

Curtis (an impressive Michael Shannon from HBO's Boardwalk Empire and The Runaways) is tortured by violent apocalyptic nightmares. When he decides to build a tornado shelter on his land, he realizes the construction will take on more meaning than expected. First, Curtis has to protect himself from his own fears, with his family's propensity towards schizophrenia making sure he can't differentiate between premonitions and real risks. His wife (Jessica Chastain) tries to find out what's driving him to bring him back to reason, but how can she protect him from his fears if she doesn't know whether they are founded?

Jeff Nichols adds another chapter to the discussion of whether 2012 will bring the end of the world or just the rebooting of the Mayan calendar. Michael Shannon incarnates the symptoms of schizophrenia so well that audience members who are even slightly hypocondriacal will start to question their own sanity. This psychological thriller is not for those already unsure about the fate of the world, but is bound to make those who aren't question the issue.



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12 years ago

Love, love & love! My favorite movie this year and the one I recommend everyone to watch. What great actors and the suspense is intense until the end of the movie. After watching so many movies I usually guess everything that is going to happen and for once I was still guessing and surprised in the end. A brilliant film that is well done with nice effects, pictures and good actors.Show more

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