The Artist France 2011 – 100min.

Movie Rating

The Artist

Movie Rating: Melanie Zahar

The career of a silent film star declines while that of a bit player rises exponentially.

1927: Hollywood silent movie star George Valentin is at the height of his fame. He is rich, adored by his fans and loved by all – it seems nothing can go wrong. But technology changes, talkies arrive, and the young and beautiful bit player Peppy Miller uses the opportunity of meeting George to launch her career. Meanwhile, George's pride prevents him from moving with the times, and Peppy's star rises as George's falls rapidly into poverty. Despite their mutual attraction, their hopes are continuously frustrated...

A wonderful surprise, this film is beautiful from end to end, poetic and very funny. Delicately old-fashioned, it takes us back to a world when words were less important than expressive gestures, with marvelous performances by the two stars. Using the same team as for the hilarious OSS 117, director Michel Hazanavicius was nominated for the Golden Palm in Cannes, with actor Jean Dujardin winning for Best Actor.



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12 years ago

An amazing movie!!!


12 years ago

must see! true cinema!; -)


12 years ago

Wonderfully crafted and overwhelmingly well played. The dog should receive an Academy Award supporting actor nomination!

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