Big Miracle UK, USA 2012 – 107min.

Movie Rating

Big Miracle

Valérie Lobsiger
Movie Rating: Valérie Lobsiger

In Alaska, a rescue operation is organized to save three whales stuck in the ice.

Rachel (Drew Barrymore), a Greenpeace activist, decides to rescue two whales and their infant overcome by the ice before they could go south. Helped by her journalist boyfriend (John Krasinski), Rachel has to convince politicians to finance an ice-breaker and Inuits to collaborate in helping to make sure the ice doesn't re-set. There are many obstacles, not to mention temperatures of - 50°,. Is there time to save the mammals before they freeze?

Whales seem to beach themselves on the big screen as often as they do on actual beaches. Apparently it's enough to get them in a movie to guarantee its success at the box office - as seen in Free Willy and it sequels of the 90's, as well as Dolphin Tale. Neither politics, money, or the ecology are at stake (the movie avoids any alarmist discussions about the subject) - this is a fantasy set in the 80's that brings together not only young and old for the cause, but also Cold War nations, with Ronald Reagan calling Gorbachev to ask for Russian help. Wouldn't it be pretty to think so.



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