Chasing Mavericks USA 2012 – 116min.

Movie Rating

Chasing Mavericks

Valérie Lobsiger
Movie Rating: Valérie Lobsiger

An teen without a father becomes the best surfer in Monterey Bay, thanks to an adult who teaches him how to surf.

Jay lives in Santa Cruz with his depressed mother, who has a hard time holding down a job. One day he falls into the ocean while observing the rhythm of the waves. He is saved from drowning by a seasoned surfer named Frost, who promises to teach him the sport. Seven years, Jay secretly follows Frost to watch him surf the waves called Mavericks – the largest in the world. When he demands to be allowed to surf them too, Frost first gets angry, but his wife talks him into helping the boy. For 12 weeks, he subjects the teen to intense training, which Jay follows to the letter despite his exhaustion (in addition to college studies, he works in a pizzeria at night). The day then comes when Jay faces waves up to nine meters high...

What is an extreme sport athlete searching for? Proof he exists, a way to overcome his fears, or a chance to prove to himself he's not a wimp? This question is approached only superficially in this Curtis Hanson film that's stuffed with clichés, with a weak plot that cannot be compensated for by the phenomenal height of the waves. Only the scenes of surfers performing their craft helps counterbalance – somewhat – the movie's flaws.



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