Children of Sarajevo France, Germany, Turkey 2012 – 90min.

Movie Rating


Movie Rating: Agathe Tissier

In Sarajevo, a woman with a rough past finds comfort in Islam and tries to convert her brother as well.

Rahima lives alone with her younger brother Nedim in Sarajevo. As a young, courageous Bosnian woman, she works hard in the kitchen of a trendy restaurant, where bad elements come to pose and spend their money. Rehima has got Nedim out of the orphanage and fights every day to make sure he has the minimum of comfort. Once a rough girl, she has settled down over the years and now wears the veil, hoping her brother will also find his way back onto the right path. But for now, he gets into fights, skips class and lies to his sister's face. In a country still suffering from the war, these two orphans try to get back on track...

A horrible report on a wounded generation branded by a war that took their innocence, who still carry scars that are hard to forget. The representation of their hard daily life, where everything gained seems so fragile, is shown with finesse. Without pathos, the portrait of the Children of Sarajevo is an attentive look at these ragged members of society.



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