Ernest et Célestine France 2012 – 80min.

Movie Rating

Ernest et Célestine

Movie Rating: Agathe Tissier

The friendship between a mouse and a bear goes against nature but holds up against those who are scandalized.

Although she's always been told that bears eat mice, Célestine is sure they can't be all bad. During her nightly excursions to gather the young bears' milk teeth (which the rodents use to replace their own incisors, so critical for their survival), Célestine meets Ernest, a huge bear with a tendency to be shifty, whom she gets out of a jam. They become fast friends, much to the chagrin of the local community, which is shocked that two different beings could have a relationship...

This artfully painted, water-colored animated film is full of humor, friendship, tenderness – as well as social and political convictions. The dialogues by Daniel Pennac are perfectly tailored to all the characters, be they large or small, petty or sweet. With no 3D effects or things that go boom, this film offers moments of grace and humanity, even if they are expressed by animated characters.



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