Max France 2012 – 83min.

Movie Rating


Movie Rating: Agathe Tissier

A cheeky little girl gives her widowed father a hooker for his birthday. Starring Joey Starr and Jean-Pierre Marielle.

Toni (Joey Starr) is the single father of Max, a cheeky little girl whose mother died in childbirth. He lives off of small-time schemes with the help of his partner (Jean-Pierre Marielle), whose guises include playing an old man in a wheelchair or dressing as Santa to pick pockets. During one of their scams, Max meets a hooker (Mathilde Seigner) and decides to give her to her dad as a Christmas present. Not knowing how to tell Max that it's inappropriate, Toni accepts and the prostitute comes to stay with them. Initially a gift that comes with its own debt (as Max's piggy bank doesn't hold enough to cover the cost, Toni has to find the means), the arrangement turns out very well for both father and daughter...

Although the initial idea is as obvious as a no-tell motel, the rest is a pleasant, sentimental comedy in which all the characters have wonderfully big mouths. The Starr/Marielle duo offers up a Christmas story that is wonderfully wild. Not as brilliant as a beautifully trimmed tree, but luminous enough to brighten up 90 minutes of viewers' lives.



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