Paris Manhattan France 2012 – 78min.

Movie Rating

Paris Manhattan

Movie Rating: Agathe Tissier

A single pharmacist and Woody Allen fan meets a disillusioned alarm installer.

A single pharmacist who is as passionate about her clients as she is about Woody Allen movies, Alice finds answers to all her questions in the film dialogue of the New York director. She finds reassurance in his analysis of how the world works and comforts herself in this idealized life, with a picture of him thumb-tacked to her wall offering her advice every night. As her status as a singleton becomes the main subject for discussion at family gatherings and her father takes charge of finding her a soul mate, Alice meets an inventive but disillusioned alarm installer...

Although Sophie Lellouche creates an atmosphere posing as rough romanticism, it's hard to fall for its charm and believe in this love story. A personal appearance by Woody Allen offers a brief surprise that unfortunately remains anecdotal and doesn't make up for the lack of consistency in the plot. This movie tries to pay homage to the American director's work, but the result is only a pale copy of the real thing.



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