Silver Linings Playbook USA 2012 – 122min.

Movie Rating

The Silver Linings Playbook

Movie Rating: Constantin Xenakis

After a stay in a psychiatric clinic, a former professor tries to win back his wife, who's cheated on him and left.

Diagnosed as bi-polar, Pat is a former teacher released after eight months in a psychiatric clinic who goes to live with his parents. He decides to stop taking his medication and tries to win back his ex-wife Nikki, but she has a restraining order out on him and he can't get within 150 meters of her. Then he meets Tiffany, who has also taken a wide variety of psychotropic drugs since the death of her husband. He asks her to deliver a love letter to Nikki, not realizing Tiffany has a huge crush on him. In return, Tiffany then manages to convince Pat to rehearse and participate in a dance contest with her...

He may have a bad reputation after violent disputes with George Clooney and Lily Tomlin, but David O. Russell proves, after the magnificent Three Kings and The Fighter, he is nonetheless a great director. Presented as a sort of tragicomedy, this remarkable analysis of our society looks at depression, dependency, antipsychotic drugs and stress, managing to be at once light and profound, serious and funny, moving and entertaining, romantic but realistic. A film that makes you happy!



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11 years ago

A very mediocre film with absolutely no depth. Somehow I just couldn't see the point....


11 years ago

Good acting, predictable story, cute entertainment but not seriously Oscar quality. Jennifer Lawrence throws a good wobbly. Robert de Niro' acting is becoming generic

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