Alfonsina Argentina, Switzerland 2013 – 75min.

Movie Rating


Urs Arnold
Movie Rating: Urs Arnold

Christoph Kühn’s documentary about the Swiss poet Alfonsina Storni, who is idolized in Argentina.

Argentina was in mourning when Ticino’s Alfonsina Storni died in 1938. Christoph Kühn’s atmospheric documentary shows why the poet, who challenged the patriarchy in the early 20th century, is still idolized and greatly honored there today. Her roots were in Switzerland: in 1896, she left Ticino as a four-year-old with her family as they emigrated to South America.

The movie’s character captures this relationship very well, although it could have profited from more involvement by the great granddaughter. The first female ancestor of Alfonsina Storni regularly holds readings of Storni’s work in Argentina and her search for her roots seems somewhat detached. But the result is still positive: Alfonsina transmits its main character’s opinions in a lasting and forceful manner.



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