Dead Man Down USA 2013 – 117min.

Movie Rating

Dead Man Down

Movie Rating: Constantin Xenakis

A woman forces her neighbor, a tough professional hitman, to kill the man who disfigured her.

Viktor (Colin Farrell) manages to infiltrate a group of gangsters operating in New York. Although he saved the life of the gang's boss Alphonse (Terrance Howard) during a shoot-out, Victor is ready to kill the man when the time is right. Meanwhile, he spreads confusion among the thugs by making a rival gang of Albanians believe Alphonse is holding one of theirs hostage under torture, by sending incognito death threats. But Victor's plans go completely awry when his neighbor across the way (Naomi Rapace) blackmails him: holding information about his recent actions, she forces Viktor to kill the man who partially disfigured her face during a car accident...

Under the direction of Swedish filmmaker Niels Arden Oplev, Noomi Rapace's soft features go through the ringer: after begin covered with piercings in the first Millennium movie, this time it's scars – and a somewhat weak excuse for getting the two characters together to seek revenge. The movie works only if the audience is willing to contribute by completely suspending disbelief.



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