Escape from Planet Earth Canada, USA 2013 – 89min.

Movie Rating

Escape from Planet Earth

Christopher  Diekhaus
Movie Rating: Christopher Diekhaus

The astronaut Scorch Supernova falls into a trap when he answers the SOS call of a dangerous planet.

On his home planet of Baab, the astronaut Scorch Supernova is a superhero. He repeatedly returns from dangerous rescue missions all around the universe – unscathed every time. His brother Gary helps out by manning the control room at BASA, avoiding all the danger from behind his computer screen. But when Scorch is caught on Earth, which is in the clutches of the power-hungry General Shanker , Gary’s son Kip guilts his dad into going to Earth to save his hero. And so off Gary goes, somewhat reluctantly...

Visually OK but not particularly spectacular animated movie for the little ones, with a likeable hero and lots of slapstick, but it won’t really capture the attention of adults. The plot is too formulaic and simplistic, and the jokey pop culture references seem much too forced.



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