jOBS USA 2013 – 128min.

Movie Rating


Movie Rating: Beatrice Thomas

The story of how Steve Jobs created Apple Computers.

Biopic retracing Steve Jobs' life from a young adult age and the beginning of the Apple Computer project to the high point of his company's creative and commercial strength. jOBS paints the picture of a spiritual, creative and demanding man, obsessed by his vision and his work at the detriment of the people around him - often cruel and, at times, brilliant. The movie follows a complicated man's life with quite stark honesty.

Against all odds Ashton Kutcher gives a convincing and touching performance, drawing from the history of a sometimes brutal and cold person to channel his emotions. The script is quite linear and conventional but brought to life with elegance, helped by great costume and makeup work as well as good dialogue and solid performances bringing a welcome spark to a film that otherwise might have been a bit too bland.



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10 years ago

Amazing What the guy achieved;

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