Make Your Move South Korea, USA 2013 – 110min.

Movie Rating

Make Your Move

Peter Osteried
Movie Rating: Peter Osteried

Donny’s first step after getting out of prison is to find a job, But all he wants to do is dance.

Donny is on probation, but leaves New Orleans to dance in New York even though he’s not supposed to go out of state. He figures he’ll be fine, because his brother Nicky will give him a job in his club. But he gets into a fight with Nicky’s partner and then falls for the man’s sister Aya, which doesn’t help the situation. Will their love overcome the obstacles in their way?

What worked for Julianne Hough, should work for her brother Derek, is probably what the producers of Make Your Move thought. Both gained fame in the US on Dancing with the Stars, and both made a debut movie about dancing. Unfortunately, Make Your Move spent less effort on an interesting plot and than it did on choreography – which at least is impressive.



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