Planes USA 2013 – 91min.

Movie Rating


Peter Osteried
Movie Rating: Peter Osteried

Animated film about Dusty, a plane that takes part in a race around the world, battling a fear of heights along the way.

Dusty is a cropduster with a huge problem: he's afraid of heights! His biggest dream is to take part in the "Wings around the Globe" race though, and to make sure he can achieve his goal, he finds a mentor in a Marine fighter plane named Skipper. Although others laugh at him at first, Dusty takes part in the race – against highly technological competition at that. Does the little propeller plane even have a chance? No. But Dusty goes full throttle anyway!

Planes was actually meant as a DVD spin-off to Cars, but Disney soon decided it was good enough for the big screen. Possibly because the project was significantly cheaper than a typical animated film. It's a shame that no more effort was put into the story, which is nothing less than a retread of Cars, except with planes. Cute, but obvious at all levels.



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