Prince Avalanche USA 2013 – 94min.

Movie Rating

Prince Avalanche

Movie Rating: Agathe Tissier

After a forest fire, two opposites are sent to repaint the center line along remote Texas roads. Starring Paul Rudd and Emile Hirsch.

One year after a serious fire that destroyed acres of forest in Texas, Alvin (Paul Rudd) and Lance (Emile Hirsch) are sent to travel the deserted roads, repainting the center yellow line. While Alvin profits from the solitude offered by nature by fishing and writing love letters, his young brother-in-law thinks of nothing other than being able to go out on the weekend to pick up girls in bars. But no matter the road they choose, the two will have to deal with their differences and the unforeseen things that life throws at them...

In complete contrast to the introspection and total immersion in nature his character sought in Into the wild, this time around Emile Hirsch does all he can to get back to civilization. This film is a kind of slow motion road movie set to the rhythm of road work. At the end of the road lies the possibility that the two completely different men will become friends and get along, around a fire or over a drink. Once the masks fall, their hearts will open.



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