R.I.P.D. USA 2013 – 96min.

Movie Rating


Gaby Tscharner
Movie Rating: Gaby Tscharner

Action comedy starring Jeff Bridges and Ryan Reynolds as undead cops hunting nasty creatures.

A corrupt Boston cop, Nick (Ryan Reynolds) is killed by gunfire. But instead of going to heaven, he's sent to the pearly gates of the Proctor (Mary-Louise Parker), who gives him a second chance: by joining the RIPD (Rest In Peace Department), Nick's mission is to retrieve damned souls and deliver them to the Last Judgment. Nick throws himself into this divine challenge as he patners up with cowboy Roy (Jeff Bridges), at the same time searching for the people that killed him...

Apart from a few rare scenes that are already in the trailer, this action comedy with yet another set of mismatched buddies is anything but funny, and R.I.P.D. doesn't do any better in terms of action, either. All thanks to a foreseeable plot stolen from much better movies (Men in Black, Ghostbusters, *Heaven Can Wait, etc.), deathly boring car chases, as well as ugly and cheap specials effects.



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