The Secret Life of Walter Mitty USA 2013 – 115min.

Movie Rating

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

Movie Rating: Constantin Xenakis

A shy dreamer goes on an expedition to Greenland and Iceland to find a legendary photographer.

A shy dreamer who goes into trances as he imagines himself a superhero saving widows and orphans, Walter Mitty works for legendary Life magazine in the negative department. But his well-ordered life is turned upside down when a new director takes over the magazine: the paper version is to be discontinued in favor of the online edition and firings are imminent. With the deadline of the last issue approaching, Mitty heads off to Greenland to find his idol, the photographer Sean O’Connell (Sean Penn), who travels the world without modern communication. Mitty hopes the man will help him find a mysterious missing photo that is indispensable for the last Life cover...

In the wake of the hilarious Zoolander and Tropic Thunder, which made fun of the fashion and movie industries, Ben Stiller changes gears with this moving fable that is sometimes a little too feel-good. Stiller’s completely movie misses the point of James Thurber’s original short story, turning Mitty into a kind of Forrest Gump romping through an adventure – plastered with gorgeous Icelandic panoramas, a fun cameo by Sean Penn, a peppy soundtrack and the formidable Kristen Wiig – with an overkill Rocky Horror moral: “Don’t dream it, be it”.



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