Bugarach France, Germany, Spain, UK, USA 2014 – 91min.

Movie Rating


Movie Rating: Geoffrey Crété

Located in Aude, in the south of France, Bugarach was always an ordinary little village of less than 200 inhabitants. Until the day the Mayan calendar was understood to foretell the end of the world as being on December 21, 2012, and Bugarach becomes, for strange reasons, a destination for some of the faithful and a few oddballs who are convinced that the village will be spared the apocalypse thanks to the mountain that watches over it. A media frenzy soon follows, changing the daily lives of its residents.

It was inevitable that a movie would be made about the less-than-ordinary happening in the otherwise peaceful village of Bugarach, which became famous in the space of just a few months in 2012, only to be forgotten immediately afterwards. Co-directed by Ventura Durall, Sergi Cameron and Salvador Sunyer, Bugarach looks at the last months before the non-event, following a handful of residents as they watch the drama unfold. With a lot of distance, as well as a good portion of humor in the face of some of the more bizarre situations and comments, the trio of directors are less interested in the why of this little bit of chaos (statements made by its somewhat bewildered mayor are picked up and enhanced by the press) than in its consequences for the community and those more sensitive or without hope. In this way, it offers an amusing and astonishing panorama, but doesn’t manage to add the necessary energy.



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