I, Frankenstein Australia, USA 2014 – 93min.

Movie Rating

I, Frankenstein

Movie Rating: Patricia Imhof

Adam, the monster created by Frankenstein, takes part in a battle between two enemy clans in a large decadent European city.

Tormented by his immortality, Adam (Aaron Eckhart), the monster created by Frankenstein, is having a crisis of faith. But he soon has a distraction: he needs to warn the inhabitants of a secular city of its imminent destruction by a troop of 666 demons sent by their inexorable master Naberius (Bill Nighty). Luckily, the Queen of the Gargoyles of the Cathedral, who has many faithful servants, offers her help. As does a charming blonde lab scientist...

Movie adaptations of “Frankenstein: or The Modern Prometheus”, the classic novel by Mary Shelley (1818), are innumerable. This version is a reboot that is both comedy and tragedy, with shades of the vampire saga Underworld, whose story idea came from Kevin Grevioux – who also supplied the screen story for “I, Frankenstein”. The tantalizing Aaron Eckhart gives it his all as the monster, much like his performance in the crepuscular Dark Knight, where he ended up as scarred as Frankenstein’s monster – as if in preparation for this role. The result is a captivating plot from start to finish, with refined humor that makes up for the forgettable pasteboard fight scenes between the demons.



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