Les vacances du petit Nicolas France 2014 – 97min.

Movie Rating

Les vacances du petit Nicolas

Movie Rating: Geoffrey Crété

Little Nicolas spends his vacation at the beach, accompanied by his quarreling parents and his unbearable grandmother.

School’s out for summer. For a change, Nicolas’ parents decide to go to the ocean and stay at the Hôtel Beau-Rivage. With their marriage in trouble and a crotchety mother-in-law in tow, they leave Nicolas to make new friends at the beach: the gluttonous Fructueux; the English boy Djodjo; the stubborn Côme; the weepy Crépin; Blaise, the son of the hotel owners; and the mysterious Isabelle. And so starts an extraordinary adventure and an unforgettable vacation...

With a set in sixties colors, more caricatures than characters, outrageous and funny vignettes and over-the-top adult actors, in the best case watching Les Vacances du petit Nicolas is like eating cheap candy. Under the direction of Laurent Tirard, who is again at the wheel after the success of the first film, this weak, superficial adventure struggles to gain a real identity, in the end resembling a low-rent Moonrise Kingdom, but without the magic.



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