Wish I Was Here USA 2014 – 107min.

Movie Rating

Wish I Was Here

Movie Rating: Geoffrey Crété

A mediocre father and unknown actor finds himself at a crossroads.

A struggling actor, embarrassing father and inattentive husband, Aidan Bloom finds himself at a crossroads when his father tells him he has cancer. Forced to take his kids out of private school and teach them at home, questioning his dreams and deciding to reconcile his bother with their father, he shakes up the daily routine of his family...

10 years have passed since Zach Braff’s sensational directorial debut with the independent film Garden State, which has since become a cult favorite of an entire generation. Wish I Was Here, partly financed by its fans, illogically suffers in comparison: clearly more successful when he concentrates on his characters than on pseudo-zany distractions, it nevertheless belongs in the category of likeable movies of little importance due to its predictable structure. Still, the movie easily charms its audience, thanks notably to Kate Hudson, who is very moving as a background character.



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