Entourage USA 2015 – 104min.

Movie Rating


Movie Rating: Geoffrey Crété

After his whirlwind marriage, Hollywood star Vincent Chase goes on vacation on board a yacht around Ibiza. Joining him is his entourage: his brother Johnny Drama, his manager Eric, and his driver Turtle, who is now a rich business man. Seeing himself at an impasse, Vincent announces he wants to take on a new challenge: directing his first movie. Now the head of a studio, his former agent Ari Gold offers him the big budget “Hyde”, a futuristic adaptation of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. But nothing goes as planned, thanks to budget overruns and some other bad surprises, as Vincent and his band of bros have a new problem to solve…

They could have learned from the awful movie version of Sex & The City that a successful TV series does not necessarily make a good movie. Instead, there is now Entourage, the adaptation of the HBO series produced by Mark Wahlberg. What it does prove is that a mindless flick made with 100% testosterone still attracts girls, even as it recycles the broads, bling and braggadocio of the series. It can only be for the fans, because newcomers will be bored by this inoffensive and simplistic comedy that parades through a series of cleavage, sex, luxury, lame jokes, and what seems like 1,000 cameos by stars eager to get in on the hype. Cynical and self-involved, the project took years to put together as the actors fought for more money. Quintessentially Hollywood.



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