Imagine Waking Up Tomorrow and All Music Has Disappeared Germany, Switzerland, UK 2015 – 83min.

Movie Rating

Imagine Waking Up Tomorrow and All Music Has Disappeared

Movie Rating: Geoffrey Crété

What would happen if the music disappeared from the face of the earth? Could we bring it back? If so, how? Stefan Schwietert accompanies cultural guerrilla artist and former KLF band member Bill Drummond as he asks people from all walks of life throughout England to sing or hum a tune that does not exist – yet. A true counter-cultural conspiracy, and perhaps the only way to protect music from corporate greed.

An unusual film with an evocative title, one that is hard to define and also to defend, as it lacks clarity and a clear destination. It is both a portrait of the musician (known for his avant-garde group The KLF), as well as a reflection on the nature and value of music and its need in daily life. But despite the fun, awesome scenes in which strangers shyly participate in Drummond’s exercise, Imagine Waking Up And All Music Has Disappeared is neither great nor memorable; in fact in the end it is more boring than anything else.



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