Microbe et Gasoil France 2015 – 103min.

Movie Rating

Microbe et Gasoil

Movie Rating: Geoffrey Crété

Nicknamed Microbe because of his small size, Daniel Guéret cannot find his place, neither within his family, nor at school, despite the attentions of one of his classmates. Théo Leloir gets called Gasoil (diesel) because of his passion for machines and DIY. When he is put into Microbe’s class, the two hit it off, sending them both on an adventure across France in a motor home they put together themselves.

The uneven career of Michel Gondry has proven two things: that the director has an undeniable sense of mise en scène, and that he needs a screenwriter to make sense of his magic. The last example: Mood Indigo, which was smothered with fabulous art direction that was too strong for the script. Microbe et Gasoil is the opposite: stripped of stylish effects, incredible sets and stars, this film centers on two kids who wish to live a simple, realistic life. But here again the screenplay is murky and lacks clarity, so the result is too bare. After a few more or less madcap situations, dialogue that is more or less inspired, secondary plotlines that are more or less amusing and this time not saved by a fantastically imaginative world, Microbe et Gasoil is a minor segue in the director’s filmography, an anecdotal comedy which will no doubt disappoint many fans.



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