Two by Two Belgium, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg 2015 – 86min.

Movie Rating

All Creatures Big and Small

Movie Rating: Geoffrey Crété

The Great Flood is on its way, but luckily Noah has built an ark so that all the animals can be taken to safety. All the animals... except Dave his son Finny, who are Nestrians – strange but adorable creatures who haven’t been invited on board. Thanks to the involuntary help of two timid Grymps, Hazel and her daughter Leah, the Nestrians manage to sneak on board. But as the ark is about to set off, Finny and Leah accidentally fall from the boat. Thus starts their adventure, as they try to catch up with the others to escape the Great Flood and survive a hostile world inhabited by savage predators.

The only aim of All Creatures Big and Small is to entertain for a brief hour and a half. There is neither magic nor originality, no amazing scenes or unexpected poetry, just a pleasant but simplistic little flick about a bunch of ridiculous and loquacious animals off on a madcap adventure. There is broad, simple humor and much adorableness, but Toby Genkel’s movie lacks soul. In the end it is just another anecdotal production lost in an ocean of other animated movies trying to imitate Pixar and company.



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