Rabin, the Last Day France, Israel 2015 – 153min.

Movie Rating

Rabin, the Last Day

Movie Rating: Geoffrey Crété

November 5, 1995. Yitzhak Rabin, Israeli Prime Minister, participant in the Oslo accords and co-winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, is murdered at Kings of Israel Square in Tel Aviv after a long speech against violence and for peace. His assassin is a religious, extreme rightwing Jewish student. Twenty years later, the filmmaker Amos Gitai shines a new light on this traumatic event. Placing the assassination in its political and social context, Rabin, The Last Day mixes fictional reenactments and archival footage for a genuine political thriller with shades of documentary.

This film by Israeli director Amos Gitai (Kippur, Alila) reopens a painful chapter in modern history in an attempt to unravel the truth. Mixing time and perspectives with archival footage and fictional sequences, the filmmaker blurs lines. Often exciting and captivating, Rabin, The Last Day is also overlong, especially as the artificiality of some scenes work against the seriousness of the whole. Both worthwhile and hard to watch, the movie is in any case striking through its political clarity.



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