Self/less USA 2015 – 116min.

Movie Rating


Movie Rating: Geoffrey Crété

Damian Hale is the super-rich head of an empire that he rules with an iron fist. Dying of cancer, he finds help in Phoenix, a company that offers the upper echelons of society a second life in a new body. Despite his doubts, Damian accepts the proposal and has his consciousness transferred into an athletic, 30-year-old body, with the promise of a new life and a new identity. But then he realizes that his new body wasn’t made in a lab, it belonged to a young man with his own past and Phoenix has plans for him…

The imagination of Tarsem Singh has previously resulted in movies that were imperfect but memorable (The Cell starring Jennifer Lopez and The Fall). Evolving towards more conventional fare with projects like Immortals and the Julia Roberts vehicle Mirror, Mirror, Self/less is a major pothole in the middle of this road, thanks to clip-like editing, an incomprehensible soundtrack, overly flashy design elements, a basic plot, a dumb moral and soporific action scenes. Armed with a hollow screenplay that lies somewhere between The Island and The Eye, Self/less looks like a real dud that was slapped together by a shameless industry. In the strange career of Ryan Reynolds, this belongs alongside Green Lantern, and not the nice surprises that were Buried and The Voices.



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