Tout en haut du monde Denmark, France 2015 – 80min.

Movie Rating

Long Way North

Movie Rating: Geoffrey Crété

St. Petersburg, 1882. The daughter of Russian aristocracy, Sacha has always been fascinated by the adventurous life of her grandfather, Oloukine. A renowned explorer and engineer of a beautiful ship, the Davaï, he has not returned from his last expedition to the North Pole. Because no one will help find him, Sacha decides to go alone up north, following the trail of her grandfather to locate his famous ship...

Simply drawn, Long Way North by Rémi Chayé shines with a clarity that is suitable for an old-style adventure. With its colorful characters and diffuse emotions, the film offers a classic, elegant story that is more concerned with its formal intentions than with any need to link together a series of noisy scenes. Still far from the beautiful and imaginative world of April and the Extraordinary World – which unfortunately went unnoticed last year – it is nonetheless a good animated film that offers about 1 hour, 15 minutes of solid adventure with a pretty, intrepid heroine.



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