Des nouvelles de la planète Mars France 2016 – 101min.

Movie Rating

News from Planet Mars

Movie Rating: Geoffrey Crété

Philippe Mars is an ordinary man: a divorced father, a respectable partner of a computer company, a discreet citizen. Until the day his unstable, antisocial colleague Jerome, who is on the edge of depression, changes his life. When Jerome loses his job following a tantrum that does not go unnoticed, he decides to take refuge with Philip, who agrees to host him without knowing the consequences of his kindness ...

Sixteen years have passed since the surprise success With a Friend Like Harry…, earned Dominik Moll the César for Best Director. Since then it’s been crickets, or almost: Lemming with Charlotte Gainsbourg and The Monk with Vincent Cassel went undetected, despite controversial casting and clear ambitions. And now there’s News from Planet Mars, a comedy more innocuous than funny, which is based on the worn-out trope of confrontation between two total opposites. To this formula Moll adds a dose of simplistic fantasy and cheesy pseudo-poetry in an attempt to give a little respect to the comfortable but successful scenes between François Damiens and Vincent Macaigne*. All in all, a missed opportunity, even though you really want to love this wannabe off-the-wall comedy.



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