Mechanic: Resurrection France, Thailand, USA 2016 – 99min.

Movie Rating

Mechanic: Resurrection

Movie Rating: Geoffrey Crété

When he meets Gina in Thailand, Arthur Bishop decides to abandon his career as a hitman and resume a normal life. But his past catches up to him: an old enemy seeking vengeance kidnaps Gina and forces Bishop to complete three contracts using his old skills. It’s a race against time to save the woman he loves...

Why bring back The Mechanic from Simon West’s 2011 movie for yet another action movie starring Jason Statham? This is the big question, because any of Statham’s characters from the last 18 years could have done just as well, and the movies are always the same: full of fistfights, car chases, absurd stunts, explosions, a blaring soundtrack, a bad guy to take down and the requisite hot-girl-with-no-last-name to save. Also starring Jessica Alba, Michelle Yeoh and – bizarrely – Tommy Lee Jones. Statham delivers as expected (or feared); there is nothing here that is inventive, imaginative or daring. It is merely a copy of other action flicks for fans looking for average entertainment.



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