
Phony poll, real win

Constantin Xenakis
News: Constantin Xenakis

Angela Merkel did well in Germany's elections two days ago. But a few hours before, a bogus poll showed the German electorate has another face.

Phony poll, real win

The results of the fake online poll ­- whose final message should not be underestimated ­- clearly showed a different result: the winner was a comedian disguised as a rabble-rousing and scatterbrained politician, followed by Germany's pirate party, whose members think culture ­- music, books, movies, etc. ­- should be made accessible to all for free on the Internet, much to the dismay of the movie and music industry.

By promising anything and everything ­- from free plastic surgery to smoking in airplanes ­- during his campaign, which coincided with the movie «Isch kandidiere!», the crackpot literally conquered 36% of German voters thanks to the wonderful slogan 'Yes, weekend'!

And ever better: if the elections had gone the way of the poll, the two parties could have formed a coalition, with Horst Schlämmer, the character reminiscent of «Borat», Derrick and Mr. Peanut created by German comedian Hape Kerkeling, could have succeeded Angela Merkel as chancellor!

It should be noted that the prestigious statistics institute Forsa gave Schlämmer 18% of the vote prior to the election ­- and that time the results were official.

2. October 2009

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