National Gallery France, UK, USA 2014 – 174min.

Movie Rating

National Gallery

Movie Rating: Geoffrey Crété

Located on the famous Trafalgar Square in London, the National Gallery has more than two million pieces in its collection, from the Middle Ages to the end of the 19th century, with free admission to all. Frederick Wiseman documents a unique visit to this monumental institution. How it works, who comes to the exhibitions, it secrets, its mysteries and its people.

With films about a hospital, a zoo, the American Army and the Paris Opera behind him, Frederick Wiseman set his golden camera down over 12 weeks in the National Gallery to film its daily goings on. Editing 160 hours of film over a year, the director – who won the Golden Lion for his life’s work a few weeks ago – offers a fascinating look at an extraordinary world. With no commentary, this documentary lets the audience take in the atmosphere of the conferences guides, restaurateurs, administrative meetings, performances, drawing classes, tours for the visually-impaired and more generally, a sea of faces, whether real or painted. The voyage, which lasts 2 hours and 54 minutes, is not easy, but it is extremely captivating, both monumental and very intimate.



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